Home » Services » Consulting: taxes, finance, systems, plans, personal finance

Tax consulting and tax planning

To get through the labyrinths of tax regulation you need a good tax consultant!

We offer complete tax compliance services: tax purposes registrations, tax procedures, tax calculations and tax reporting related to added tax, income tax and personal income tax.

With us you are always up to date with the latest legislative changes and have a solid foundation on which to base your plans for the coming period. We inform our clients, partners and associates of any major changes so they have information they can rely on!

"... In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." - Benjamin Franklin,1789

Benjamin Franklin was aware of the inevitability of tax collection more than two centuries ago. Avoid unnecessary errors in procedures and procedures, inaccurate tax liabilities and tax planning errors. With us you will always have a solid basis for your decisions!

Financial consulting, internal analysis and reporting

Want to know which activities and processes can be designed more efficiently and effectively? What costs can be cut? What can you do to further enhance your business and meet the needs of your customers? Do you sell products quickly enough? Is there a favorable relationship between the payment of liabilities to creditors and the collection of customer claims? How much are you in charge? Are you liquid? Proper business decisions are made only with the help of detailed analysis. And believe me, what you need for a good analysis is a good business consultant! A detailed analysis of your financial statements can help you find answers to many of the above questions. The only way forward is through in-depth analysis – this is the only way to get the data you need as inputs in decision making. We offer:

  • Tips for financial construction of business ventures, lending tips
  • Analysis of financial statements and calculation of key performance indicators
  • Tips for managing costs, expenses, income and operating profit, and their impact on a company’s tax burden

Business Systems Design: Processes, Procedures and Automation

Are you planning to introduce a new ERP administration system with all business processes from ordering for your products to purchasing materials to selling? In that case you need a business side consultant to define all the business processes and activities, the documents that will result in each process, as well as defining the data that should be included in the documentation that will be generated. And the most expensive software solution will not get you the results you want without a consultant defining all the automated processes running in the background and generating the data in your accounting and financial statements.

Need advice on introducing accounting, warehousing, payroll software or complete ERP software?

  • Consultancy in the implementation of accounting, warehousing (material and trade book) and ERP systems;
  • Software automation mapping: documents, records, financial reporting, tax reporting and internal reporting;
  • Tips for systematically redesigning the organizational structure of business clients;
  • Consultations in database implementation, creation of database knowledge, knowledge management, and i
    ncreased operational efficiency.

Budgeting of projects and activities

Consultation on preparation of project implementation budgets

  • Consultation and advice on budgeting various activities;
  • Mapping expense items and linking expense areas with accounting records;
  • Planning the revenue timetable and expenditure coverage.

Tips for financing capital investments

Thinking about capital investment and big projects?

Don’t walk in the dark!

A sound investment plan with projections of cash flow, ROI and expected return on investment with a projected time frame are the first step!

Script analysis, SWOT analysis, the Boston Consulting Group and General Electric matrix, probability-impact model and other tools will be put in place to maximize the value of your investments and minimize the risk of failure!

Portfolio Management and Personal Finance

Your personal consultant!

Life today can be very chaotic and confusing. Being successful in what you do doesn't mean you have to be a financial expert. Farmers
How to avoid pitfalls, diversify risks and fertilize your capital and make a living?

Equity, Third Pillar, Stocks, Land and Real Estate, Bank Deposits and many other options may seem tempting to you, but it is best to speak to a good financial consultant first!

Whether you are an entrepreneur or an employee - we are at your disposal for your personal portfolio management with our extensive team of contributors!
